ohoho!! teha gatei tag aku ek,ekekek!!! byk sgt 10 ni weh..lololo...
Rules of the tag:
1)Make a list of what u want o your birthday
2)The list should be 10 numbers
3)post the image of this award to your posting
4)give it to 10 frens of yours
1. sentiasa D.M.U.R.A.H K.A.N R.E.Z.E.K.I...
2..nak tunaikan U.M.R.A.H & H.A.J.I bersama suami tercinta,umi papa mak n aboh..amin..
3...nak sgt jumpe D.A.N.I.S.H n K.H.A.L.I.S, rindu lar!!!!
4....nak mkn A.B.C sebelah umah mak kat kg. raja,tp kedai 2 dah tutup!!!! Waaaaa!!!!
5.....N.A.I.K G.A.J.I & dapat B.O.N.U.S lar!!!! bos aku kedekut!!!
6......g H.O.N.E.Y.M.O.O.N lagi,ehhehehe!!!! (p/s: umi, tlg jaga bb ieda nnt ek,ehehhe!!)
7.......rasa cam nak balik J.B lar..sane best lepak..
8........C.H.O.C C.A.K.E & 365 R.O.S.E.S...huhuuhu!!!
9.........B.I.Z aku dapat dilancarkan dengan jaya,ekkekeke
10...........handbag L.V dlm angan ku, ;p